Saturday, August 19, 2017

To hell with the devil

Stryper's third album, "To hell with the devil" released October 24, 1986. This is the vinyl with the origial "Angel cover" that was later replaced with...

...this cover. This is my CD-version.

I own two vinyl singles out of this album. Above a yellow vinyl. The song "Free" on side 1 and "Calling on you" and "The rock that makes me roll" on side 2.

Below, a vinyl single of their smash hit "Honestly".

This is a flyer/ad for some kind of Enigma (their record label at the time) event. Looks like the Sweet brothers mother Janice appeared on that event too.

This is an EP out of the album with the songs Free and Calling on you. Released 1987.

The back side of the EP.

This is a picture disc of the album To hell with the devil. It also contains a poster. Numbered 6169.

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